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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Amidst rising costs, aging and retirement planning is becoming a growing concern for many. Yet, more than just ensuring financial readiness, one who is planning to retire also needs to be psychologically prepared for the shifts in lifestyle, routine and everything that comes along with it. In this issue, let's explore expert tips on staying healthy, mentally sharp and financially secure, so we can age gracefully in our golden years.

7 Holistic Tips to Age Gracefully | Sutter Health

Sutter Health advises on holistic practices for graceful aging, highlighting mindfulness, humor, flexibility, meditation, and gratitude.

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4 Different Ways to Think of Retirement | Psychology Today

Explore retirement as a goal, lifestyle, long-term process, and mindset influencing decision-making and life quality.

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The 4 phases of retirement | Dr. Riley Moynes | TEDxSurrey

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Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Alice Phua. Michael Seow & Associates

It was wonderful having Joan here with us to share and refresh my memory about the HQ platform. She was engaging and I found the hands-on approach effective in aiding our learning. She is also helpful and attentive to my needs - helping me to brainstorm ideas and giving suggestions on how my services could be marketed. Truly appreciate her work. Keep it up, Joan!

Jeffrey Wong & Agnes Cheng. Financial Services Director & Manager. Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore

Joan came to our premise to go through a training session on how to maximise the use of the Headquarter platform and I found it incredibly useful. She was also patient and lively in imparting to us how it works, and went the extra mile to help us in setting up. Appreciate it. We highly recommend!

Derek Chong. SP Group. Prudential.

Today Joan came to do a hands-on training on the HQ platform for our group. I found it very useful and engaging. I think you'd have fun and enjoy meeting her up :)

Jorene. AIA Strategic Alliance

I met up with Joan today for a session on how HQ can be used effectively for our financial advisory process in our team. I think it was beneficial and I believe you'd find it useful too.

David Chua. Financial Services Director. AIA-SP Affluence

Joan came to do a training for our group and we found it incredibly useful and insightful. I think anyone in Sales can definitely from this system!

Peter Lim. DPG Group

Joan came down today to share with us how HQ can be used to or advantage in our advisory system. I think it’s worth for you to explore and get to know her.