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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

The lack of sleep being linked to chronic illnesses like diabetes and heart disease isn't a happy story. Certainly not for those of us who are more conscious about building happiness in life. Please share this newsletter issue with those you care about. We can impact lives together!

How The World Forgot To Sleep

We're getting less shuteye than ever before, and it's ruining our health, happiness and prosperity. With the use of prescription and poorly regulated herbal sleep aides rising rapidly, Joanna Fuertes examines the cost, and asks what the long-term solutions to our 'sleep loss epidemic' could be

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10 tips for healthy sleep

If you are not sleeping well - or long enough - at night, try the tips below to improve the quality of your sleep and to ensure you are properly rested the following day.

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What Happens To Your Body And Brain If You Don't Get Sleep | Prof. Matthew Walker

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Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Elizabeth. Life Inc. Great Eastern

Joan came to give a training to us this morning and we found it very engaging and we learnt a thing or two on how to maximize HQ. You gotta hear from her!

Yi Hui. Financial Consultant. Prudential Singapore

In the training conducted by Joan, she was effective, helpful & generous in sharing ideas that I found practical and useful. The HQ system is one system to check out as it is interesting and relevant, and I think anyone in the sales industry can benefit greatly!

Jaslyn Ng. Financial Services Director. Top of The Table. Prudential Singapore

Joan is a helpful, engaging and enthusiastic trainer who has our interests at heart when it comes to positioning us well. She takes effort to educate & show us clearly how their system can work for us. Not only that, I also found the Headquarter system very comprehensive and user-friendly in delivering touchpoints to our customers. I'm thankful for her work and her team so far and I highly recommend her & the company HQ!

Martin. Financial Services Director. AIA-RTP

Joan came down to our agency today to bring us through on how we can use HQ for our financial advisory & sales process. I found it useful. I think you'll benefit from meeting her. Enjoy!

Lucky Lim. AIA Financial Advisers

Today I met up with Joan for a Refresher Session and I found it useful and valuable in helping my business. I think it’s worth for you to explore and learn more about this Headquarter system.

Alice Phua. Michael Seow & Associates

It was wonderful having Joan here with us to share and refresh my memory about the HQ platform. She was engaging and I found the hands-on approach effective in aiding our learning. She is also helpful and attentive to my needs - helping me to brainstorm ideas and giving suggestions on how my services could be marketed. Truly appreciate her work. Keep it up, Joan!