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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

For the past years, given the pandemic and restrictions, many of us were forced to re-evaluate how to plan and book trips for holidays, or consider whether we should even be planning for any travel at all. Now, as borders are opening up, we have reached a stage where many of us are ready to start traveling again and make vacation plans once more. The catch, though, is that traveling will likely continue to be complicated as new variants emerge. How then do we plan for travel? In this issue, we explore this matter in more depth.

Here's why planning a trip can help your mental health

With the pandemic far from over, now may not be the right time for leisure travel. But that doesn't mean trip planning is canceled too. There's some good news for globe-trotters: According to researchers, looking ahead to your next adventure could benefit your mental health. Even if you're not sure when that adventure will be.

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NFTs are Falling Into 3 Categories (So Far)

While the general hype around non-fungible tokens (NFTs) may be subsiding a little, investment into NFT startups has not, according to a report from Lufthansa. Despite the hype cooling off, naturally some of the excitement has tipped into travel and TNMT categorises some of the travel startups focused on NFT to come up with three main use cases - travel community, airline loyalty and NFT passport.

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The Point of Travel

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Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Lucky Lim. AIA Financial Advisers

Today I met up with Joan for a Refresher Session and I found it useful and valuable in helping my business. I think it’s worth for you to explore and learn more about this Headquarter system.

Jasmine Wu. Executive Financial Consultant. Prudential Singapore

Joan is a passionate & helpful individual who cares about positioning users like myself well to clients, especially in terms of client acquisition and retention. She's also good at breaking down the steps on what we can do to make the best out of the platform and shares tips that work. She's fun & humorous too, which makes her great to be around with anytime!

Samuel Wong. Financial Services Manager. Perennial Alliance. Great Eastern Life

We first had Joan come down to our premise to do a training with us on how to use the Headquarter platform. It was interesting induction session. Beyond that, she is also responsive and helpful and does her best to deliver whenever we need assistance and advise on how best we can use the system. I would like to thank Joan and her team for their continued support and dedication. Looking forward to working towards boosting and empowering our advisory system to the next level! πŸ’ͺπŸ»πŸ˜‰πŸ’ͺ🏻 Cheers!

Jaslyn Ng. Financial Services Director. Top of The Table. Prudential Singapore

Joan is a helpful, engaging and enthusiastic trainer who has our interests at heart when it comes to positioning us well. She takes effort to educate & show us clearly how their system can work for us. Not only that, I also found the Headquarter system very comprehensive and user-friendly in delivering touchpoints to our customers. I'm thankful for her work and her team so far and I highly recommend her & the company HQ!

David Chua. Financial Services Director. AIA-SP Affluence

Joan came to do a training for our group and we found it incredibly useful and insightful. I think anyone in Sales can definitely from this system!

Joan Tong. Heartzmail & Headquarter

We missed Keon Chee, our moderator in this picture. HQ brought together this event with the support of our friends and associates. Bottom from left: Michael Seow, Benny Ong & Allen Lim. Top from left: Zi Lem, Will Ho, Samuel Koh, Joan Tong and David Chee. A massive THANK YOU to all of you for this successful and fruitful event!