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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

It isn't the bucket either. One good news is that more people are now surviving cancer. The other good news is that life expectancy has increased from 75 to more than age 80. But hold that thought for a moment - it's only good news if one is financially prepared to survive such a critical challenge.

55% of people withdrew from their savings to fund treatment

Here's some insightful and interesting statistics about cancer survivers, driving home one point - we can even be wrong about being prepared.

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Understanding the cost relating to cancer care

It is important to think about the different types of costs related to your cancer care. This will help you decide what kind of budgeting, support, or financial assistance you may need.

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The effect of exercise on Cancer

Most people aren't aware of this, but we should.

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I hope you have enjoyed this issue of my InTouch newsletter. Do feel free to contact me if I can be of service to you and your friends
Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Donald. Financial Consultant. Prudential

Our agency recently got signed up on the HQ Sales OS and Joan came to our agency to train us. I appreciate how engaging and helpful Joan was in imparting & helping us understand how the system can benefit us. I think it was very useful and refreshing. And would recommend you to get to know learn about HQ from her!

Jessy Chai. Prudential. Pacesetters Organisation

Joan met up with myself and Cheng Hao on how we can maximize the use of HQ, a Sales OS platform. It was interesting and I think you should to get know Joan.

Soo Xuan. Financial Consultant. Prudential Singapore

Meeting Joan was a joy. Joan is fun-loving and helpful in giving ideas that I found interesting and they work. You'd enjoy getting to meet her! Totally recommend!

Clara & Patrick. AIA-SP Victor Lim

Patrick and I met Joan up for a refresher training session on how to use HQ for our business and workflow. We found it very useful. And I think that you'd find it valuable and interesting getting to know Joan.

Marcus. Prudential-Pathfinder

Joan came down to our agency to being us through on how to use HQ for our work. We found interesting and useful and I think you'd benefit from it.

Yi Hui. Financial Consultant. Prudential Singapore

In the training conducted by Joan, she was effective, helpful & generous in sharing ideas that I found practical and useful. The HQ system is one system to check out as it is interesting and relevant, and I think anyone in the sales industry can benefit greatly!