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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Do we need to get better at time management? Or do we need to instead think about Time itself? More specifically, what it means to us - with the very limited time that we have. The answer would be different for each of us. But I'm rather certain that taking time to ponder about Time itself can be a fruitful thing to do.

10 Ways to Improve Your Time Management Skills

Time management is a skill that can help you to reduce stress and improve productivity. There are variety of approaches and you can choose the one that suits you most.

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5 Reasons Why Non-Digital Time Management Is More Productive

While the ubiquity of tech-driven tools may make the process of managing our time easier than ever, we may actually increase our productivity by decreasing efficiency through an analog, manual, pen-and-paper system, like Ryder Carroll's Bullet Journal.

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Steve Jobs - Inspirational Speech "If today were the last day of my life"

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I hope you have enjoyed this issue of my InTouch newsletter. Do feel free to contact me if I can be of service to you and your friends
Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Sally Chew. Senior Financial Planner, Great Eastern

I just want each of you to know how great Joan is! She came to support us with her 100% to walk us through how we can best maximise the potential of HQ for ourselves. She’s the person you want to meet in the morning - contagious happy vibes! The session went so well because of her genuine effort and patience with us. Through her training session, I am able to fully optimise my usage of HQ. Thanks Joan for the blessed session!


My team and I met up with Joan today and it was a refreshing session on how HQ can work out for us. You must meet her!

Andrew Chuah. Financial Services Director. Prudential Singapore

When Joan came to our agency, we found her to be an engaging trainer who's helpful, fun-loving and is genuinely invested in positioning us well. I'm grateful for her and her team's support and I strongly recommend her and the company HQ. She's someone you should get to know and meet. You won't regret it!

Ivy. Executive Financial Consultant. Prudential

Joan’s bubbly and helpful nature is an asset as she is able to connect and relate well with people. It’s a pleasure working with her! Not only that, she is also someone who is detailed, listens intently, and is conscientious. Even after-sales, she is all about making sure that we FCs like us make the best out of the system and services that her company provides and not let our investment go to waste. Appreciate your time and work very much Joan! All the best!!

Yugi Toh. Financial Services Director. Top of the Table. Prudential Singapore

Thank you HQ for creating the platform and act as a channel of word of mouth to let my clients know more about me. It is just a link away with a simply click then can let clients promote my good work by accessing my testimonials and share around with their circle of friends. Meanwhile, it helps me to manage and value add my clients on monthly basis. The articles are very creative and insightful and my clients love this initiative so much. On top of that, HQ acts as an admin to remind me to do list and sent the personalised greeting card to clients by just preset all the contents into system then I can have a peace of mind to focus on my daily meeting. We all know that we got to do something special for our clients, try out HQ, it is the most convenient and efficient channel 👍🏻

Aderline. Financial Consultant. CO Wealth Advisory

A few of my colleagues met up with Joan for a session and we found her to be helpful and professional. She also did not hesitate to give us ideas, tips, insights and inspiration in which we found applicable. So it you're in the sales line, do get to connect with Joan and check out this cool HQ platform!