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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

When was the last time you received kindness from somebody? When was the last time you extended an act of kindness to someone else, and to what end? As it turns out, there can be tremendous merits and outcomes in paying forward a kindness received with a good deed to somebody else, especially when done out of gratitude. The concept of "Paying It Forward" is nothing new, but in our world, I believe we could do with more compassion and selflessness as it brings out the best in us.

The Art of Paying it Forward Without Spending a Dime

When we pay it forward we commit an act of selflessness that transcends our connection to other humans on the planet, elevating the human experience in a positive way. Whether it’s a showing of kindness, faith, or even compassion, it all makes a difference and can potentially trigger a chain reaction of reciprocated behavior.

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10 ways to pay it forward during the pandemic

There’s never been a better time to pay it forward. With abounding COVID-19 fears and stay-at-home pressures, simple gestures of kindness can go a long, long way. The best part about paying it forward is the inevitable ripple effect. If you do something nice for someone, it will likely prompt them to do something nice, too. And here’s the bonus byproduct: giving to others is good for your mental and physical health.

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Evan Almighty - Act of Random Kindness (Final Scene)

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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David Chua. Financial Services Director. AIA-SP Affluence

Joan came to do a training for our group and we found it incredibly useful and insightful. I think anyone in Sales can definitely from this system!

Clara Phua. Chartered Financial Consultant. PACS

Joan and I finally caught up today and I found her to be very helpful and dedicated in her area of work. She helped me sort out my web profile and was creative & insightful in generating ideas in which I could apply in my business. I highly recommend you and your team to check out their interesting and awesome system. You won't regret it!

Lynette Ng. Financial Consultant. AIA Singapore

I like how during our session with Joan, she was energetic and lively and made it a point to relate to us the benefits of the HQ system's features in an easy-to-understand manner. She's also someone who has our interests at heart when it comes to helping us understand how we can best use the system. Not to mention she's fun-loving & amicable too, and you'd enjoy getting to meet her!

Eugene. Prudential

Joan met up with Jun and myself to go through how HQ can be used to benefit our advisory process. She did a good job explaining to us. We found it to be an interesting and refreshing session. I seriously think you'd benefit from meeting and getting to know her.

Christopher Lek. Senior Financial Services Manager. SP Group

Joan is an effective person in helping people to engage their clients in a more meaningful way. I think you will not regret meeting her. Do catch up with her soon!

Yixiang. Credence Group. Great Eastern Life

Today Joan came over to our agency to demonstrate to us how HQ can be of value to our advisory system. We learnt quite a bit. You need hear from her!