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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

We live in three distinct timeframes - the Past, the Present, and the Future. Many times, we tend to live and make decisions based on what gives us immediate gratification, and often to our detriment. Despite not knowing what tomorrow will bring, planning ahead removes uncertainty and provides clarity to our lives. In this issue, I have included articles that I hope will inspire you to take actions that your future self will thank you for.

Planning Ahead Is the Key to Living With More Spontaneity

Scheduling spontaneity doesn't lessen the joy of spontaneity; it enables it. You still have the freedom to do whatever strikes you in the moment - even more so because you know that's exactly what you intended to do.

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Why plan ahead?

Planning ahead is sometimes called advance care planning. It involves thinking and talking about your wishes for how you're cared for in the final months of your life and when you're dying. This is in case there's a time in the future when you're unable to take part in the discussions and decision-making yourself.

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What are the chances?

We can't predict the future, but we can plan for it. But why does this even matter? Meet some ordinary people thinking about these things.

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Calvin Bok. Financial Services Manager. Financial Alliance Pte Ltd

Joan came to our premise to do a training on how best to use and maximise the Headquarter platform facility. We found it interesting and useful, really appreciate her patience & helpfulness! I won't hesitate to recommend her and HQ to anyone!

Donna. Senior Financial Planner. Prudential Singapore

Joan is a reliable & effective person in helping people to engage their clients in a more meaningful way. She's also responsible, patient and helpful. You'll enjoy meeting her!

David Choo. Director. Great Eastern Life

Joan came to our office to do a training session with us today regarding the HQ platform. It was fun-filled session. Not only that, we found it very interesting and engaging and we are excited about how their tools and system will help empower & add value to our clients, advisors and agency in the long term. Cheers!

Colin Choo. PropNex Singapore

Recently Joan showed me the power of the HQ system. I think you'd be interested in finding out more. After sign up, your sales will skyrocket.

Evonne Chew. Financial Consultant. SP Group

Joan is very helpful in taking me through how to use the HQ system. I think it is useful and interesting getting to meet her up and getting to know her. You should take the time to hear from her soon too!

Clara & Patrick. AIA-SP Victor Lim

Patrick and I met Joan up for a refresher training session on how to use HQ for our business and workflow. We found it very useful. And I think that you'd find it valuable and interesting getting to know Joan.