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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

In meeting the demands of work and every day life, many of us can feel compelled to do all things at once, and may become overwhelmed or less effective as a result. To counter this, it is worth taking a moment to adjust our pace; to give ourselves the space to practice taking one step at a time in the ways we perform our tasks and how we manage our minds & emotions.

Single-Tasking for Productivity and Stress Management

"I used to be a big fan of multi - tasking when it became a popular strategy for productivity. The idea of doubling productivity by doing multiple things at once is quite appealing for busy people, and these days most of us are busy people. However, several studies show that in most cases, multi - tasking can negatively affect productivity and efficiency. Here's how."

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Patience - Donโ€™t Let Frustration Get the Better of You

Patience is a virtue, and there's a reason โ€“ it's a tough skill to master. We likely all lose our patience occasionally. But doing so frequently or inappropriately can harm your reputation, damage your relationships, increase stress, or escalate a difficult situation. In this article, we explore different kinds of patience and how they apply in the workplace. We also examine the strategies that you can use to develop and nurture this essential quality.

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The Importance of Patience | Albert Keys | TEDxMissouriS&T

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Eugene. Prudential

Joan met up with Jun and myself to go through how HQ can be used to benefit our advisory process. She did a good job explaining to us. We found it to be an interesting and refreshing session. I seriously think you'd benefit from meeting and getting to know her.

Julia Seehoo & Jenney Mah. Darien Agency. AIA Singapore

Thank you Joan for your patience in guiding us on the HQ application. Your bubbly & smiley nature goes a long way in helping in our understanding. We learnt alot especially when you "go the extra mile" ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿ˜‡ It was a wonderful session - we are encouraged to do hands-on on the software!

Hup Song. Financial Consultant. SP Group

My colleague and I met up with Joan for a session on how best to use and maximise the Headquarter client engagement platform. We found it useful and refreshing and I feel that she's someone you should meet! You won't regret it!


My team and I met up with Joan today and it was a refreshing session on how HQ can work out for us. You must meet her!

Natalie Choo. Prudential Singapore

Joan came over to share with my team on how we can maximise the usage of HQ for our advisory business. I think youโ€™d have fun meeting her up!

Eugene Cheong. Senior Financial Advisor. PIAS-Apex

I experienced the services of Joan and her company,, and I found it to be very insightful and refreshing. I'm thrilled to learn more and I believe that you will benefit from getting to know what their client engagement platform can do for you!