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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

All of us would have people around us that we learn from in our lives. And people whom we in turn teach and need to be accountable to at some point - as students, working adults or parents. The better we are at relating and leading others into growth, the better we become as individuals. In this issue, I hope we can draw some lessons and wisdom from these materials that can help us cultivate values and cultures that we want in our lives and lift us up.

Create a Growth Culture, Not a Performance-Obsessed One

In a competitive, complex, and volatile business environment, many C-Suite leaders are focused on how to build higher performance cultures. The irony is that building a culture focused on performance may not be the best, healthiest, or most sustainable way to fuel results. Instead, it may be more effective to focus on creating a culture of growth.

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How Humility Makes Us Better, Saner Teachers

The pursuit of humility, once we properly understand the term, yields better relationships and faster growth. With that said, it makes great sense that we dig into humility in our continuing pursuit of better, saner teaching.

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How not to take things personally? | Frederik Imbo | TEDxMechelen

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Natalie Choo. Prudential Singapore

Joan came over to share with my team on how we can maximise the usage of HQ for our advisory business. I think you’d have fun meeting her up!

Jaymee Lai. PaceSetters Organization. Prudential

I met up with Joan today for a HQ session and I picked up a thing or two on how powerful and meaningful HQ can be as I look integrate it to my workflow. Just like me, I think you’d benefit from meeting her.

Sally Chew. Senior Financial Planner, Great Eastern

I just want each of you to know how great Joan is! She came to support us with her 100% to walk us through how we can best maximise the potential of HQ for ourselves. She’s the person you want to meet in the morning - contagious happy vibes! The session went so well because of her genuine effort and patience with us. Through her training session, I am able to fully optimise my usage of HQ. Thanks Joan for the blessed session!

Soo Xuan. Financial Consultant. Prudential Singapore

Meeting Joan was a joy. Joan is fun-loving and helpful in giving ideas that I found interesting and they work. You'd enjoy getting to meet her! Totally recommend!

Wenji. Financial Consultant. Prudential Singapore

A session with Joan reveals that she dedicated in her work in helping agents like myself service and retain clients in a more effective way. She's on-the-ball in helping us understand the system and also quick to answer questions that we may have. If you're in the financial services or sales line, do get to know Joan and check out how the HQ system can work for you!

Yugi Toh. Financial Services Director. Top of the Table. Prudential Singapore

Thank you HQ for creating the platform and act as a channel of word of mouth to let my clients know more about me. It is just a link away with a simply click then can let clients promote my good work by accessing my testimonials and share around with their circle of friends. Meanwhile, it helps me to manage and value add my clients on monthly basis. The articles are very creative and insightful and my clients love this initiative so much. On top of that, HQ acts as an admin to remind me to do list and sent the personalised greeting card to clients by just preset all the contents into system then I can have a peace of mind to focus on my daily meeting. We all know that we got to do something special for our clients, try out HQ, it is the most convenient and efficient channel 👍🏻