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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

As they dedicate their love and lives to their households and make constant sacrifices for their family’s & children’s well-being, mothers never retire. For all these, moms deserve more thoughts besides during Mother’s Day. But should mothers also think about planning their own retirement — financially speaking? In this issue, as we give tributes to all mothers, we would also like to give thoughts to a mother’s financial freedom. Mothers deserve a worry-free retirement as well.

Women are more likely to leave financial planning to their spouses. Here’s why that’s a problem

New research finds that women tend to leave crucial money moves up to their spouses or significant others, which sets them back financially. This tendency is especially prevalent among women ages 20 to 34. Couples can take several steps to make sure both sides have a say in big financial decisions.

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How to Retire Early Even If You Have Kids

The Financial Independence Retire Early (FIRE) movement encourages followers to reach early retirement through a combination of frugal living, smart investments, and passive income. Here's how to meet that goal while raising children.

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Adult Conversation | How She Saved $100,000 Before Turning 30 | Personal Finance

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in creating a safe financial environment for their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Rossellini & Emelyn. Senior FCs. Eminence Group

We got to know HQ services thanks to our colleagues who got signed up lately for the refreshing features and reminder functions that they had to offer for our work processes. We think it's worth exploring and finding out more from Joan and her team on how it can be beneficial for your business! And thank you Joan for the session and for taking the time to bring us through on how we can use and maximise the HQ system! It was easy to understand and useful. All the best!

Julia Seehoo & Jenney Mah. Darien Agency. AIA Singapore

Thank you Joan for your patience in guiding us on the HQ application. Your bubbly & smiley nature goes a long way in helping in our understanding. We learnt alot especially when you "go the extra mile" 🙏😇 It was a wonderful session - we are encouraged to do hands-on on the software!

Jia Hwan. Financial Consultant. Eminence Group

Joan is a friendly and helpful person who helps us in our understanding of the client engagement system for our area of work and relationships. It was easy and interesting to follow, and I think this is a system worth exploring. You'll enjoy meeting her!

Cassie Xu. Financial Services Consultant. NTUC Income

Joan came to our office premise to conduct a session on how best to maximise the use of the client engagement platform, Headquarter. I found it very useful and it was fun. I think you'd enjoy getting to know her!


My team and I met up with Joan today and it was a refreshing session on how HQ can work out for us. You must meet her!

Josh Han. Great Eastern Life

Joan came over to demonstrate how HQ can be used for our advisory system. I found it fun and cool and I think you’d benefit from it too!