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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Confucius, the Chinese philosopher, left us with these words to contemplate: The man who asks a question is a fool for a minute: the man who does not ask is a fool for life. As the year winds down, it is time to reflect on some popular and widely - accepted beliefs and misconceptions that we may hold that do not serve us in achieving our goals and desires. Today, we look at debunking some of these misconceptions to expand our thinking and explore new perspectives and horizons.

12 Lies To Stop Telling Yourself

The worst lies are the ones we subconsciously tell ourselves. They have been ingrained in our minds by bad external influences and negative thinking. So, the next time you decide to un-clutter your life and clean up your space, start with your intellectual space by clearing out the old lies and negative self-talk you often recite to yourself.

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The 10 Biggest Misconceptions About Life and Happiness That Are Holding You Back

Not questioning the folly of our generally-accepted conceptions about life and happiness is an act of a fool. As such, today, let’s challenge and question the 10 biggest misconceptions that are holding you back from leaping forward into the life you wish to live and the person you aim to become.

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The money talk that every couple needs to have | Your Money and Your Mind

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Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Jasmine Wu. Executive Financial Consultant. Prudential Singapore

Joan is a passionate & helpful individual who cares about positioning users like myself well to clients, especially in terms of client acquisition and retention. She's also good at breaking down the steps on what we can do to make the best out of the platform and shares tips that work. She's fun & humorous too, which makes her great to be around with anytime!

Aihua. Senior Financial Consultant. Prudential Singapore

I met up with Joan today for a session on how to use the HQ system. I must say that it was very useful and interesting, and she's helpful and engaging. 她也很可爱! Thank you for your time! And get to know Joan, you won't regret it!

Calvin Bok. Financial Services Manager. Financial Alliance Pte Ltd

Joan came to our premise to do a training on how best to use and maximise the Headquarter platform facility. We found it interesting and useful, really appreciate her patience & helpfulness! I won't hesitate to recommend her and HQ to anyone!

Christopher Joo. Financial Consultant. AIA Singapore

Joan came to our agency to do a training and we thought it was highly informative and engaging. She was also in giving us ideas in which we found practical and I highly recommend any salesperson to adopt this system. Get to know her!

Martin. Financial Services Director. AIA-RTP

Joan came down to our agency today to bring us through on how we can use HQ for our financial advisory & sales process. I found it useful. I think you'll benefit from meeting her. Enjoy!

David Chua. Financial Services Director. AIA-SP Affluence

Joan came to do a training for our group and we found it incredibly useful and insightful. I think anyone in Sales can definitely from this system!