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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Today's phone in our pocket has 100,000 times the power of the computer that landed man on the moon 50 years ago. Our world is evolving at breakneck speed today. The World Economic Forum projected that more new jobs will be created compared to the ones lost. Uncertainty remains about what these new jobs would be. But the time to change our approach to learning new skills has come. The time is now. The 4th Industrial Revolution has begun.

Try These 5 Steps For Learning New Skills Faster

Being able to pick up a new skill quickly is an asset in today’s workplace, but our typical learning habits aren’t always speedy enough. By breaking your goal down into its component parts, you can actually speed up your learning time.

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9 Ways to Future Proof Your Career

If your skillset or experience fall "behind the times," you may struggle to find work or gain promotion. But there are strategies that you can put in place now to ensure that you don't hit a career "dead end."

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What is the Fourth Industrial Revolution? | CNBC Explains

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in creating a safe financial environment for their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Eugene. Prudential

Joan met up with Jun and myself to go through how HQ can be used to benefit our advisory process. She did a good job explaining to us. We found it to be an interesting and refreshing session. I seriously think you'd benefit from meeting and getting to know her.

Renee & Christine. Wesley Sng & Associates. Prudential

Joan came to our office to help us with contacts upload and also a refresher session. It was useful and you should meet her up too!

Yixiang. Credence Group. Great Eastern Life

Today Joan came over to our agency to demonstrate to us how HQ can be of value to our advisory system. We learnt quite a bit. You need hear from her!

Dylan Ng. Financial Advisor. PIAS-Apex Wealth

Joan came to our agency to present and bring us through using the HQ system and we found that she is highly effective in helping us to engage our clients in a more meaningful and interesting way. I think you will not regret meeting her.

Bee Ling. Master Financial Consultant. Prudential

I met up with Joan for a Refresher Session and I found her to be effective and engaging in imparting to me how HQ can be harnessed for my benefit. The time spent with her to clarify my doubts and questions on HQ was worth it as she guided me along. It was fun being around her too. Do get in touch with her and I think you'd find it useful!

Christine Tan. Prudential. GNK Group

Joan and I met up today for a refresher training session. I found it very useful and I think that you will not regret getting to know her for your own work purposes.