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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

Whether we are mothers ourselves or simply have someone in our lives who has played a motherly role to us, chances are, our lives have been influenced in profound ways by motherhood. Let's take a moment in this issue to honour, value, and draw lessons from the incredible wisdom of women and mothers who have impacted our worlds.

Two Mothers Remembered - A Poem By Joann Snow Duncanson

Love both of your Mothers as both loved you.

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Financial Lessons From Mom That Built A Lasting Legacy

Some of the most valuable financial lessons are taught at home from a young age and can be instrumental in building a legacy of financial stability and security. Elliot Kallen's mother is a survivor of the Great Depression and the Auschwitz concentration camp. Having applied his mother's advice to real-life situations to sustain financial well-being and professional success, Kallen, President of Prosperity Financial Group, has won accolades throughout his career and attributes those successes to his mother's words of (financial) wisdom.

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Don't Underestimate Working Mothers | Dana Sumpter | TEDxCSULB

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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My team and I met up with Joan today and it was a refreshing session on how HQ can work out for us. You must meet her!

Gagi Lee. Financial Consultant. Prudential Singapore

I found Joan to be an effective and bubbly person who makes it her duty to help people like me to engage our clients in a more fun and engaging manner. Thanks Joan & HQ!!

Jaslyn Ng. Financial Services Director. Top of The Table. Prudential Singapore

Joan is a helpful, engaging and enthusiastic trainer who has our interests at heart when it comes to positioning us well. She takes effort to educate & show us clearly how their system can work for us. Not only that, I also found the Headquarter system very comprehensive and user-friendly in delivering touchpoints to our customers. I'm thankful for her work and her team so far and I highly recommend her & the company HQ!

Evonne Chew. Financial Consultant. SP Group

Joan is very helpful in taking me through how to use the HQ system. I think it is useful and interesting getting to meet her up and getting to know her. You should take the time to hear from her soon too!

Cassie Xu. Financial Services Consultant. NTUC Income

Joan came to our office premise to conduct a session on how best to maximise the use of the client engagement platform, Headquarter. I found it very useful and it was fun. I think you'd enjoy getting to know her!

Joan Tong. Heartzmail & Headquarter

We missed Keon Chee, our moderator in this picture. HQ brought together this event with the support of our friends and associates. Bottom from left: Michael Seow, Benny Ong & Allen Lim. Top from left: Zi Lem, Will Ho, Samuel Koh, Joan Tong and David Chee. A massive THANK YOU to all of you for this successful and fruitful event!