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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

As humans, the pursuit of change and progress is something that is innate to every one of us. Like it or not, there will always be things in life that we hope could be a little different, a little better in the way that daily situations & events turn out. It could be in the way we think, speak, or the way we handle everything from our finances to our relationships with others. We seek to become better -- and we should. As we strive to continuously exceed our potential, we rise above all previous versions of ourselves and grow stronger. In this issue, we look at some ways in which we can embrace a better self and an even better future.

The Relentless Pursuit of Improvement

It is no secret that I believe growth is the only guarantee that tomorrow will be better. It is no mystery that I think personal growth is the steppingstone to success for any leader. If you or I want to stay in front of the curve and lead others, then we must do the work that keeps us out front. We must continually improve. But as I seek to improve, there is one thing I know not to chase, and that is perfection. Perfection is a trap. Do not chase perfection as a leader - chase improvement. Make today better than yesterday so tomorrow can be better than today. The relentless pursuit of improvement will take any leader far.

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I used to be jealous of other people's wealth and success - here is how I finally got over it

Envy. It is an emotion that we all feel at some point. It is also a really dangerous emotion when we are trying to build a strong financial life. Envy is pure poison to a healthy financial life. After all, envy encourages us to make some pretty poor decisions. Like every other character flaw, however, envy can be overcome. You can directly reduce the envy itself, or you can at least reduce the bad choices you make as a result of envy. Here are seven strategies I use to cut envy out of my own life.

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To reach beyond your limits by training your mind | Marisa Peer | TEDxKCS

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I seek to reach out to people who believe in safeguarding the interests of their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Yixiang. Credence Group. Great Eastern Life

Today Joan came over to our agency to demonstrate to us how HQ can be of value to our advisory system. We learnt quite a bit. You need hear from her!

Fiona. PIAS

Joan and I met up for a training session and I found it very beneficial and refreshing. It was a nice and awesome session. I like that she is very patient, friendly and approachable and I have gotten a better idea on how I can use HQ more effectively thanks to her sharing. I think you need to hear from her and it will be worth your time.

Bernard Pang. Apex. NTUC Income

Joan came over to our office to help us get started on using their Sales OS. She is passionate about her area of work and in helping us, and I thought it was very useful and engaging. I think you will enjoy getting to know her too! Thank you Joan!

Jeremy Ng. Executive Senior Manager. Henry Kencana & Associates. Great Eastern Life

Not only is it a great system but it’s filled with great people leading the team. Namely Samuel who leads and Joan whom greatly supports. Joan gives her heart when she trains. And she is so open towards hearing and learning from us at the same time. Joan & Samuel constantly support and work hard as the backbone of HQ to add value to us. Not only is this consistent at point of sale of HQ system, it is also followed through with coaching and guiding our team after we became users of HQ. HQ incentives made it so helpful and encourage us to add value when we meet clients. This in turn attain great testimonials that supports the team as well as adds value to the marketplace. This is definitely a system to adopt for all practitioners out there!

Cassandra Foo. AIA RTP

We have been clients of HQ for a couple of years now and recently we went to meet Joan today for a refresher session on the HQ platform and we found it very useful. Joan was patient in helping us to understand more in detail on how the system works and how it can be used to enhance our work and credibility. It was a pleasure meeting her up. Do catch up with her. You won't regret it.

Yi Hui. Financial Consultant. Prudential Singapore

In the training conducted by Joan, she was effective, helpful & generous in sharing ideas that I found practical and useful. The HQ system is one system to check out as it is interesting and relevant, and I think anyone in the sales industry can benefit greatly!