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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

"If you take control of your finances today, then you won’t be a victim of them tomorrow"

- Emily G. Stroud

In times of uncertainty, it’s easy to get overwhelmed. With the COVID-19 outbreak, we are faced with the challenge of adapting life around the virus and navigating intense market volatility. This leaves many of us feeling anxious and even disempowered.

What can we do about it?

While many families worry about what the ultimate impact of this crisis will be on their employment and finances, things aren’t quite as out of control as they seem. There are concrete steps we can make to protect ourselves financially.

It starts with being in tune with our personal money mindsets, followed by taking tangible steps to stay in control of our finances.

"Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now."

– Alan Lakein

Exploring ways and options to better plan and take control of your financial future?

Below is an article that you may find useful. Let's work together. Feel free to get in touch with me via WhatsApp to converse and learn more. Meanwhile, I hope that you and your loved ones will continue to stay safe and well. Cheers!

6 Essential Money Moves
Proudly Brought to You
I seek to reach out to people who believe in creating a safe financial environment for their loved ones. Let me know if I can be of help to someone you know or care about. We can make a difference to lives when it matters most. Cheers.
Joan Tong
WhatsApp me at +65 81886955   
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© Joan Tong, All rights reserved.

Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Renee & Christine. Wesley Sng & Associates. Prudential

Joan came to our office to help us with contacts upload and also a refresher session. It was useful and you should meet her up too!

Jimmy Tan. AIA Singapore

I met up with Joan today to review our progress on how we can further enhance our business using the Headquarter platform. Found it refreshing and helpful. We have benefitted from the session. Get to know her soon!

Patrick Chang. SimplyWills

I just met up with Joan today on how HQ could add value to our outreach process. She has shared with me some interesting ideas to explore and I believe that you’ll learn something useful from meeting up with her.

Alice Phua. Michael Seow & Associates

It was wonderful having Joan here with us to share and refresh my memory about the HQ platform. She was engaging and I found the hands-on approach effective in aiding our learning. She is also helpful and attentive to my needs - helping me to brainstorm ideas and giving suggestions on how my services could be marketed. Truly appreciate her work. Keep it up, Joan!

Dylan Ng. Financial Advisor. PIAS-Apex Wealth

Joan came to our agency to present and bring us through using the HQ system and we found that she is highly effective in helping us to engage our clients in a more meaningful and interesting way. I think you will not regret meeting her.

Bernard Pang. Apex. NTUC Income

Joan came over to our office to help us get started on using their Sales OS. She is passionate about her area of work and in helping us, and I thought it was very useful and engaging. I think you will enjoy getting to know her too! Thank you Joan!