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Joan Tong

In Touch

A Monthly Curated Newsletter

There are just too many things that we know to be good for us, but have not yet become a part of us. Applying wise financial habits may be one of them. Here are some to learn about by seeing them from the eyes of a very successful woman - Oprah Winfrey. Change requires conscious efforts. I hope some of these thoughts will begin to be a blessing in your life. Cheers.

The 3 Best Pieces of Financial Wisdom From Oprah Winfrey

From movies to books to TV shows, it seems that everything Oprah touches turns into gold. There's a lot that we can learn from Oprah, so here are her three best pieces of financial wisdom.

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How to Create Better Spending Habits

Spending money is a fact of life, albeit one of the fun ones. Another fact of life: How you spend your money is just as important to your financial success as your decision to save or get out of debt.

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Financial Advice From KIDS

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Joan Tong
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Testimonials and Referral Notes

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Lynette Ng. Financial Consultant. AIA Singapore

I like how during our session with Joan, she was energetic and lively and made it a point to relate to us the benefits of the HQ system's features in an easy-to-understand manner. She's also someone who has our interests at heart when it comes to helping us understand how we can best use the system. Not to mention she's fun-loving & amicable too, and you'd enjoy getting to meet her!

Jeffrey Wong & Agnes Cheng. Financial Services Director & Manager. Tokio Marine Life Insurance Singapore

Joan came to our premise to go through a training session on how to maximise the use of the Headquarter platform and I found it incredibly useful. She was also patient and lively in imparting to us how it works, and went the extra mile to help us in setting up. Appreciate it. We highly recommend!

Evonne Chew. Financial Consultant. SP Group

Joan is very helpful in taking me through how to use the HQ system. I think it is useful and interesting getting to meet her up and getting to know her. You should take the time to hear from her soon too!

Natalie Choo. Prudential Singapore

Joan came over to share with my team on how we can maximise the usage of HQ for our advisory business. I think you’d have fun meeting her up!

Shimin's Team. AXA Insurance

We had a great time with Joan today learning about HQ and how it could aid in our business. It was an interesting and engaging session and you should take the time to hear her out.

David Choo. Director. Great Eastern Life

Joan came to our office to do a training session with us today regarding the HQ platform. It was fun-filled session. Not only that, we found it very interesting and engaging and we are excited about how their tools and system will help empower & add value to our clients, advisors and agency in the long term. Cheers!